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IRDC Zoominar – Philanthropy and Rural Iowa

On a drive through rural Iowa, you may see a new mural, a restored historical building, or a lively festival or farmer’s market. What isn’t visible to the eye is the philanthropic dollars used to support many of the things that make Iowa communities great places to live, work, raise a family and retire.

Kari McCann Boutell, President of the Iowa Council of Foundations, used this Zoominar to talk about the philanthropic landscape in Iowa and how philanthropic dollars are supporting communities and counties across the state. Kari shared details about Iowa’s robust community foundation network and how you can explore funding opportunities in your region. She also shared a few tips to support your grant proposal development!

IRDC September Zoominar
Passcode: i0KfqRg#

Here’s Kari’s slide deck.

IRDC Meeting 9.29.22 ICOF

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