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March Zoominar on Age-Inclusive Management Strategies Available
The March IRDC Zoominar featuring UI Professor Brian Kaskie is available to view by clicking HERE
The Passcode if you need it is FSU?83ru
While Iowa’s economy is returning to good health, the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic certainly has made employee recruitment more difficult than ever. Meanwhile, the number of aging Iowans who are willing and able to work continues to increase. In fact, Iowans over the age of 65 will soon outnumber those under 18 years old.
Employers who recognize this huge demographic shift are becoming better positioned for what lies ahead.
With the support of the Iowa Department on Aging, Dr. Brian Kaskie in the University of Iowa College of Public Health is working with employers across the state to identify and implement Age Inclusive Management Strategies (AIMS). Those business will:
(a) learn about opportunities presented by an aging workforce.
(b) conduct organizational self-assessments to identify management strategies they may consider implementing within their organization.
(c) receive expert consultation from project staff who will assist with identification and implementation of one or more age-inclusive management strategies.
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